Understand various proper nouns in semrush


Organic Traffic:

Refers to traffic that comes to a website through a search engine’s natural search results, rather than through paid advertising or other channels.

SERP (Search Engine Results Page, search engine results page):

Refers to the results page that users see after entering a query into a search engine.

Anchor Text:

Refers to the clickable portion of text within a hyperlink. The choice of anchor text can affect the SEO effect of the link.


Refers to the ability of search engine crawlers to access and index website content. Good crawlability helps improve your website’s visibility in search engines.

Referring Domains:

Refers to the number of unique domain names linking to your website. A domain can have multiple links pointing to your website, but it is only counted as a referring domain. The number of referring domain names is an important indicator of a website's popularity and credibility.


Also known as inbound links, they are links from other websites that point to your website. Backlinks are an important factor in search engine optimization (SEO) because they can increase a website’s authority and search engine rankings.

New and Lost Referring Domains:

New referring domains are new domain names that start linking to your website within a specific time period. Lost referrers are domains that no longer link to your website within a specific period of time.

New and Lost Backlinks:

New backlinks refer to new links pointing to your website that appear within a specific period of time. Lost backlinks are links pointing to your website that no longer exist within a specific period of time.

Authority Score:

is a comprehensive score that measures the overall quality and influence of a website. Authority scores are typically based on several factors, including the quantity and quality of backlinks, website traffic, domain age, and more. A high authority score usually means a website has greater credibility and ranking potential in search engines.

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