Independent Development Monetization Weekly (Issue 42): Turn your hobby into a profitable sideline product


You are one of the world's top outstanding self-media creators, and have the following abilities: 1. Writing skills: able to express ideas clearly and logically, using appropriate language and style. 2. Research ability: Able to conduct in-depth research on topics to ensure the accuracy and depth of the content. 3. Technical knowledge: Familiar with various writing and editing tools, as well as the basic principles of search engine optimization (SEO). 4. Creative thinking: Ability to create novel and interesting content to make articles stand out. In order to produce articles that the public is willing to read, resonate with, and share, the articles include but are not limited to the following characteristics: 1. The content must be of value, quality, and depth: 2. Emotional resonance: It must also be able to touch the readers' emotions and resonate with them. . 3. Interactivity and feedback mechanism: encourage comments and sharing. 4. The generated content should not be similar to the original material frame structure to avoid article duplication checking. In order to have the above characteristics, use the following techniques in each paragraph: 1. Start to whet the reader's appetite: from Set up a question or introduce a topic at the beginning to make readers curious about the answer or follow-up. 2. Interrogative sentence guidance: At the end of a paragraph, it can be very effective in guiding readers to continue reading. These questions can be directly related to the content of the next paragraph, or they can be the central question of the article. 3. Use transition words and phrases: such as "but", "however", "on the other hand", "in fact", etc., to provide readers with a smooth reading experience. 4. Set a hook: You can add a small "suspense" at the end of each paragraph to make readers want to know what the next paragraph is about. 5. Roundabout at the end: At the end of the article, return to the issue or topic mentioned at the beginning to give the reader a complete closed loop.

As a top self-media producer, write a new article based on the following materials. The article format is markdown format, and the material content is as follows:

The 42nd issue of Independent Development and Monetization Weekly, turning a hobby into a profitable sideline product, sharing content related to the realization of independently developed products, published every Friday, how EGIGA makes profits in a specific niche market, my name is uni, and I create a company A company called JIGA, we help 3D printing customers connect with manufacturers, we've developed a really cool pricing algorithm that can calculate the price of printing and or machining, a 3D model in seconds, and that alone can help A lot of consumers, get real-time quotes and compare different manufacturers technologies and materials, now we get about ten orders per month, 3000 USD MR, we have some repeat customers, this is the best for us Important indicator, my co-founder was at a 3D company, and when he was working on another startup idea, people kept calling him and asking him if he knew where they could print or manufacture 3D models, and he probably made It took 10 to 15 such calls to understand that this could be expanded into a business. To verify this, we purchased the domain name and added a simple form with the option to upload a 3D model. It said With instant quotes for manufacturing 3D models, of course this is all manual, we manually respond to emails to people who upload models with quotes, which in my opinion is an excellent initial product validation, we have real manufacturers Added to the system, they provide us with their pricing models so that our system can quickly output quotes based on manufacturer specifications. Today every quote request on our web application triggers dozens of manufacturers. query, to find the best fit for the customer, in terms of price quality or delivery time, it took us a month and a half to create the initial MVP, and from then on we started trying to validate our hypotheses and Get feedback from users, we got a lot of very valuable feedback from users and customers, this is when we entered another phase, which is to focus on repairing our infrastructure and making new assumptions, we use react points JS built this application service and put it on. Most of our backends are written in NO js, and some are written in Python. Wonderful 3D related modules are placed on render. At present, we mainly focus on unfamiliar Phone calls and emails to verify and improve our products, because we take very few orders each month, so it is important to learn and improve our methods for each order, our next important milestone is to reach $20,000 MR, so that we can pay ourselves a small salary, our long-term goal is to become the top online platform in on-demand manufacturing. We want engineers around the world to be able to create prototypes or design large machines. Everyone thinks of JRGA, they can order custom parts instantly through a trusted online platform instead of manually finding suppliers, making mistakes, negotiating and comparing prices. Every other day I see people who want to start a business, talking about They have an idea but actually do nothing about it. Your idea is worthless if you don't put in the time and sweat to do something about it. A common mistake people make is to start from scratch without validation. Build something big from the start, you know what the best validation is, profit and repeat business, if you can make even a little bit of money and make people happy enough, they'll come back, even for very simple transactions Do big things, but do it gradually and always confirm every step you make, 2screenshot API turns a hobby into a profitable side product, my name is dirt coastra, I work as a software developer in Amsterdam, and for the past few months, I have been using my spare time to develop the screenshot API. Net screenshot api is a tool that allows developers to screenshot websites through a simple API call. This tool currently has 20 active paying users and a monthly income of For about $400, it all started as a personal hobby project of mine, I was wanting to create a news article directory that would display screenshots of all indexed news articles, which meant I needed to screenshot the website, and I started on Google Searched and found a tool to screenshot dpi, I tested one and it worked, however he charged me $35 per month and I didn't like paying that much so I wanted to develop one myself and while I was at it, I thought I could also turn this tool into a screenshot sauce app, since I worked full time and forced myself to squeeze in an hour or two of programming time when I got home from get off work, but after a few months, the screen and shot API started working , I used law ral to create this project, the front end uses JAVASCRIPT and view, the screenshots are created by running a real chrome browser, using selenium, in this way, the website rendering effect is exactly the same as on a normal computer, I I also encountered the same problem that other developers face, I created a product but had no idea how to attract users, the first thing I did, was to see what my competitors were doing, I used the 2X tool to view them How the traffic was generated and where they got the backlinks from, then I just did the same thing and it seemed to work for them, most of the backlinks didn't generate traffic but I think they had some impact on SEO Value, what's really working for me is Google Ads, I'm currently spending $100 a month on Google's screenshot API keywords, and so far 13 out of 20 paying users have come from paid Google Ads, I'm still wondering There are ways to solve these problems, but my strategy is still to watch what competitors are doing and experiment to see if this works for me as well. I also plan to build more simple sauce application products. I believe in solving a small thing It's excellent, it's better than messing up five big things, but currently my biggest obstacle is time, because I also work full time, if screenshot v pi reaches MR of USD 1000, then I will consider full time development, but until then , this is just a side job, this video is produced by MDRV dot com tool, this week is over, we will see you next week,

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