Sora: How to obtain wealth and happiness in the AI ​​era | How much money did you make from investing in AI? Newbie friendly|Who will lose their job? |How to invest and educate your children|Money is the closest to Tao. Making money is also practice.


Revealing the AI ​​Era: Wealth, Happiness and Future Career Choices

Today, with the rapid development of AI (artificial intelligence), we cannot help but ask: How do we obtain wealth and happiness in this era of generative AI? Who will be at risk of losing their job? How should we invest in our children’s education so that they can thrive in the future world? Today, we’ll delve into these questions and find the answers together.

How AI is changing our lives

When we talk about AI, it’s easy to get bogged down in technology. But let’s switch gears and look at it from a practical application in life. Have you ever thought that those breathtaking movie special effects, realistic virtual scenes, and even the digital people who interact closely with you are all supported by AI technology. AI has penetrated into every aspect of our lives, from entertainment to work, and it is changing our world.

Wealth and AI: New Opportunities for Investment

In the AI ​​era, investment is also showing new trends. Taking NVIDIA as an example, investors who invested in the AI ​​field early have received huge returns. However, this does not mean that only professional investors can benefit from it. For ordinary investors, they can also find investment opportunities by understanding the development trends of AI and paying attention to the dynamics of related companies.

Happiness and AI: New approaches to emotional resonance

In addition to material wealth, AI can also bring us emotional satisfaction. By interacting with digital humans, we can experience unprecedented emotional resonance. They not only accompany us through lonely times, but also provide love and support when we need it. This emotional resonance allows us to find a moment of peace and happiness in our busy lives.

Unemployment and AI: Career options for the future

However, the development of AI also brings some problems. As AI technology continues to advance, many traditional professions will gradually disappear. So, which professions will be affected in the future? How should we respond to this challenge?

First of all, we must realize that AI cannot completely replace humans. Although AI can reach or even surpass human levels in some areas, humans still have irreplaceable advantages in aspects such as emotion, creativity, and interpersonal communication. Therefore, developing these abilities will be key to future career choices.

Secondly, we must pay attention to the development of emerging professions. With the popularization and application of AI technology, many new professions will emerge. For example, careers such as AI trainers, data scientists, and virtual reality designers will become popular choices in the future. By learning and mastering these skills, we can create more employment opportunities for ourselves.

Investment and children’s education: cultivating future competitiveness

In the AI ​​era, children’s education is also facing new challenges and opportunities. As parents and educators, how should we cultivate children's competitiveness?

First of all, we must pay attention to the overall development of children. In addition to traditional subject knowledge, we must also focus on cultivating children's soft skills such as creativity, critical thinking and teamwork skills. These abilities will be the key to their success in the future world.

Secondly, we need to guide children to pay attention to the development trends of emerging technologies. By understanding the applications and prospects of emerging technologies such as AI, big data, and blockchain, children can better adapt to the future work environment and social needs.

Finally, we should encourage children to actively participate in practical activities. By participating in projects, competitions and community activities, children can practice their practical and teamwork skills and lay a solid foundation for future career development.


In the AI ​​era, we must not only see the opportunities and challenges it brings, but also actively respond to and grasp these changes. By understanding the development trends of AI, paying attention to the development of emerging professions, cultivating children's comprehensive abilities, and guiding them to pay attention to the cutting-edge of science and technology, we can create more wealth and happiness for ourselves and our children. Let us welcome the arrival of the AI ​​era together!

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