[Li Ziran said] The secret to making a million a year without financing


The secret to making millions a year without financing: The rise of independent developers

In the digital age, entrepreneurship is no longer a distant dream. Today, I’m going to reveal the secret to making millions a year – becoming an independent developer, especially a developer focusing on AI products. This secret not only does not require huge financing, but also has free time, accumulation of skills, and huge market potential.

Why choose the independent developer path?

The independent developer path is attractive for three reasons. First, the rise of AI technology has brought unprecedented opportunities to developers. Many software can be rebuilt with AI, and the market opportunities will increase exponentially. Secondly, the barriers to entry are lowered. Mature SaaS tools enable developers to quickly implement various ideas, and even AI models such as GPT can help write code, greatly lowering the technical threshold. Finally, the improvement of information transparency makes it easier for novice developers to obtain the experience of successful people, reducing the time of exploration.

How can an independent developer make millions a year?

Making millions a year as an independent developer is not a far-fetched dream. By focusing on solving specific needs and building small but beautiful products, developers can easily achieve profitability. For example, there are many successful cases in the field of AI image processing, such as Levels I/O's Photo AI, Remove BG and other tools. They have earned considerable income by solving users' needs for image cutout and watermark removal.

How to become a successful indie developer?

Successful independent developers need to have comprehensive capabilities, including market demand analysis, product design, technology implementation, marketing, etc. When determining needs, developers can start from multiple perspectives such as their own needs, new research progress, and observation of peer products. When designing a product, it is recommended to go directly to the pain points and quickly verify market feedback. In the development process, there is no need to pursue perfection, but first make it usable by most users, and then gradually improve it. In terms of marketing, you can use social media, advertising and other channels to expand product influence.

Why do you recommend BOOSTRAP to start a business?

Compared with traditional financing entrepreneurship methods, the BOOTSTRAP entrepreneurship method is more suitable for most entrepreneurs. It emphasizes self-reliance, cost control, and the pursuit of profitability without relying on external investment. In this way, entrepreneurs can adjust directions more flexibly, trial and error quickly, and reduce the risk of failure. At the same time, the BOOTSTRAP entrepreneurial approach also pays more attention to the value and user experience of the product itself, which is conducive to cultivating a long-term and stable customer base.


The path of an independent developer is full of opportunities and challenges. By seizing the opportunities of the AI ​​era, lowering the barriers to entry, and improving information transparency, we can more easily become a successful independent developer. The BOOTSTRAP entrepreneurial method provides us with a more stable and flexible way to start a business. In this digital age full of infinite possibilities, let us embark on the road of independent developers together!

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