What is it like to play Angry Birds with Vision Pro?


Play Angry Birds on WeChat Pro: A new immersive experience

Have you ever thought about being able to immerse yourself in a classic game, such as "Angry Birds", at any time during a busy WeChat chat? Today, I will take you through the unique experience of playing "Angry Birds" on WeChat Pro.

The new world of gaming brought by WeChat Pro

WeChat Pro is not just a social application, it is an all-round platform that integrates multiple functions. On this platform, gaming is no longer a simple pastime, but a new immersive experience. When you open WeChat Pro and start "Angry Birds", you will be shocked by the sight in front of you - the entire game interface almost takes up the entire screen, making you feel like you are in the world of the game.

Free window operation and multitasking

Another highlight of playing "Angry Birds" on WeChat Pro is the free operation of the window. You can drag the game window around to place it where you want. What’s even more surprising is that while you are playing games, you can also open other application windows for multitasking. This seamless switching experience allows you to enjoy the game without delaying other important matters.

Deployment games: zero-cost joy

Maybe you are curious, how is such a game deployed on WeChat Pro? In fact, this does not require complicated steps and high costs. With some simple settings and open source code, you can easily deploy your own Angry Birds game. Moreover, I have prepared a zero-cost deployment plan for you, so that you can experience this new way of gaming without spending a penny.

Detailed explanation of operation steps

First, you need to register an Amazon Cloud account and get a free cloud server. Then, follow the prompts to set personal information, bind payment methods and other steps to complete the account registration. Then, launch an instance in the management console and create a new key pair to log into the server via SSH.

On the server, you need to update the system to the latest version and install the dr. container. This process may take some time, but please be patient. After the installation is complete, you can open the source code address of "Angry Birds", copy the deployment command and run it in the command line. Soon, you will see that the game has been successfully deployed on the server.

Finally, you only need to access the game through the server's public IP address and you will see the deployed "Angry Birds". The whole process is straightforward and can be completed easily even if you don't have much technical background.


Playing "Angry Birds" on WeChat Pro is a brand new experience. It not only allows us to immerse ourselves in the game world anytime and anywhere, but also provides free window operation and multi-tasking functions. Moreover, through simple steps and zero-cost deployment solutions, we can easily have our own game platform. If you are also interested in this new gaming experience, you might as well give it a try!

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