Revealing My Effective Daily Routine: The Secret to Boosting Productivity


Everyone’s morning starts differently, but my secret is to grab those quiet moments before dawn. The world at five o'clock in the morning belongs to those who are willing to sacrifice sleep for peace and quiet. I use a sleep cycle app to ensure I wake up within the optimal 30-minute window before starting my daily routine.

First thing in the morning is a shower, I once tried a cold shower but gave up on it due to practical issues - it didn't rinse away the shower gel thoroughly. If you have a solution, don't hesitate to tell me! Then it’s time to drink coffee and read. I often read 5 to 10 books at the same time, so I can easily switch depending on my mood.

The formal work usually starts from 7:30 to 8:30 in the morning, and I use the 50/10 Pomodoro Technique, with a long break at lunch time. After the lunch break, I separate two phases: product development and marketing, each of which takes up four Pomodoros. It also depends on how many distractions there are throughout the day and I will adjust the order accordingly.

I don’t have a set nightly routine after get off work. Sometimes it’s to invest in experimental projects, sometimes to communicate with friends and family, or to relax and play games until going to bed at ten o’clock. This is just my day, not that special, but maybe you'll find some inspiration of your own in it.

There is no special nightly ritual here, I just try to give myself the necessary relaxation after a busy day at work. It’s often said that a good routine leads to high productivity – my routine may give you some inspiration, but remember, the most important thing is to find the rhythm that works best for you.

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