The economy is in recession, where is the way out for ordinary people?


Challenges and opportunities in 2023: How to become an independent individual in the new economy?

2023 does not seem to be bringing about a change for the better as we expected. Large companies and small companies are competing to lay off employees, millions of graduates are finding it difficult to find jobs, the youth unemployment rate exceeds 20%, the Didi food delivery industry is infinitely involved, and the birth population is falling again and again. These phenomena remind us of Wang Xing’s prediction in 2019: “The past year may have been the worst year in the past ten years, but it is also the best year in the next ten years.” Now, the words have become a prophecy, and we are Living in it, I feel the downward pressure on the economy and the challenges of life.

In this era, there are more and more verbal violence on the Internet, and everyone's emotions are becoming more and more intense. No matter what happens, once it is exposed to the public eye, the parties involved will be under great pressure from public opinion. This may be because everyone is under tremendous pressure and cannot vent in reality and can only express themselves through the Internet.

So, as ordinary people, how should we deal with the economic downturn?

First of all, if you currently have a job and your income is relatively stable, I suggest you stay put. Although working as a worker is tiring, it is obviously not a good time to look for a job. Many people who have resigned from large companies have been looking for three or four months without getting a satisfactory offer. Therefore, during an economic downturn, try not to go into debt and ensure your cash flow. In this way, even if you encounter unexpected situations such as unemployment or layoffs, you can rely on savings to cope with it for a while.

But it’s not enough to just have a job to make ends meet. In this era, we need to think about how to become independent new individuals in the new economy. This means that we need to learn profitable skills from work and constantly improve our own value. For example, you can learn how to land clients, write marketing articles, or learn hard skills such as programming. These skills belong to you, and they can still create value for you even after you leave the company.

At the same time, we also need to do something that accumulates over time, rather than a one-time return. For example, self-media is a good choice. As you publish more content and the quality of your videos gets higher, your fans will grow. In this way, you can make some money through advertising or live streaming. In addition, writing a paid manual or offering an online course are also good options. These contents can bring you a certain amount of passive income and take you one step closer to achieving financial freedom.

Why do you feel tired when you go to work? Because everything you do has corresponding tasks and indicators, you are responsible for others. But when you work only for yourself, you only have yourself to answer to for everything you do. You will pay more attention to the value created itself, rather than whether it is 996. Nowadays, the Internet economy is very developed, and you can rely on the Internet to create personal IP, sell things, and earn advertising fees. As long as you are willing to try and keep trial and error, you can always find your own way.

When choosing a direction, try to choose something with a greater probability. For example, if you now want to make a short video platform to compete with Douyin and Kuaishou, or an instant messaging tool to compete with WeChat, then the probability of success may be very low. But if you do some research, you will find that many people have made money relying on big platforms such as WeChat or Douyin. They either create personal IPs to generate membership income, accumulate fans and monetize through advertising, live stream goods to earn order commissions, or become a service provider to help others promote, etc. Wherever people's attention is, that's where the traffic will be, and that's where the business will be.

There is an idea for rich people to make money called the lottery box strategy, which consists of three steps: first, choose a lottery box with a high winning rate; second, reduce the cost of lottery; third, you must continue to draw. This idea also applies to us ordinary people. We need to choose businesses that have bottom-line losses and unlimited income, and continue to do so. Continuously reduce the cost of trial and error, and you will always find opportunities that belong to you.

In fact, doing business is nothing more than selling things. The difference is what is being sold. What you sell can be a real product, the user's attention, a service, etc. All you have to do is find the product you want to sell and reduce the cost of the product infinitely to find more people to sell the product to them and continuously expand your sales. If you have never sold anything before, you can even start practicing by setting up a street stall. Setting up a street stall is actually a great exercise for a person and can help you quickly understand what money is, what flow is, what business is, what value exchange is, and social rules.

In short, the key is whether you are willing to try and put in the effort. As long as you dare to step out of your comfort zone and try bravely, you may succeed on the road to entrepreneurship. Starting a business is not something that happens overnight. It requires continuous hard work and accumulation to realize your dreams and goals. The more the economy goes down, the more important it is to stay awake. Everything will be done in advance. Failure to do so will result in failure. Be prepared for danger in times of peace. Create a passive income channel for yourself as early as possible when you are able, so that we will not panic when the crisis comes. I hope this article can give you the confidence and strength to move forward courageously amidst the challenges and opportunities in 2023!

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