[Full of useful information] How to increase your APP advertising revenue by 10 times? Maximizing traffic monetization may be the most conscientious advertising monetization sharing for independent developers in 2022


Maximizing Advertising Revenue: An In-depth Analysis of How Independent Developers Can Monetize

Have you ever wondered how independent developers who have their own apps monetize through advertising? How can they generate huge advertising revenue in this highly competitive market? Today, I will reveal this secret to you. Our discussion will be divided into two parts: first, we will delve into the basics of the advertising industry; second, we will discuss efficient monetization strategies.

The four major roles and operating processes of the advertising industry

In the advertising ecosystem, there are four key roles: SSP (traffic supply-side platform), ADX (advertising exchange platform), DSP (demand-side platform) and DMP (data management platform). SSP brings together various traffic media, such as APP, H5, official accounts, etc.; ADX serves as an intermediary, connecting SSP and DSP to achieve precise advertising; DSP is a platform for advertisers to place ads, and is responsible for setting up and managing ad delivery plans. Advertising budget; while DMP is responsible for collecting and organizing user data to provide data support for precision marketing.

These four major roles collaborate with each other to form a complete advertising ecosystem. When users open an APP, they may see an open-screen advertisement. How is this ad presented to users? First, the APP will initiate an advertising request to the SSP, and the SSP will forward the request to ADX, and ADX will request advertising from the DSP based on the user information and advertising plan. After receiving the request, the DSP will perform an accurate match based on the user data provided by the DMP and return the matching advertisement to ADX. ADX will then return the advertisement to the SSP, and finally the SSP will display the advertisement on the user's APP.

In this process, the role of DMP is crucial. Through the analysis of user data, it helps DSP achieve precise delivery and improve the click-through rate and conversion rate of advertisements. At the same time, real-time data interaction and bidding are also required between SSP, ADX and DSP to ensure timely display and optimal price of advertisements.

Key aspects of optimizing ad revenue

For independent developers, if they want to increase advertising revenue, they need to pay attention to several key links: fill rate, bidding winning rate, display rate, click-through rate, and subsequent conversion behaviors (such as downloads, installations, activations, etc.). There is a certain amount of loss in these links. Only by continuously optimizing these links can advertising revenue be increased.

For example, developers can improve the fill rate by optimizing the user experience of the APP and improving the loading speed of advertisements; improve the bidding winning rate by reasonably setting advertisement prices and improving advertisement quality; and improve the creativity of advertisements by accurately targeting user groups. to improve the display rate and click-through rate; finally, use deep link technology to guide users to download, install, activate and other behaviors to improve the conversion rate of advertising.

In addition, developers also need to pay close attention to market dynamics and changes in user needs, and adjust advertising strategies and pricing strategies in a timely manner. At the same time, establishing long-term and stable cooperative relationships with high-quality advertising partners is also an important way to increase advertising revenue.

China’s advertising ecology and monetization strategies

In China's advertising market, there are many different types of advertising companies and platforms. These companies and platforms play an important role in roles such as SSP, ADX, DSP and DMP. For example, Tencent Advertising is a comprehensive advertising platform that plays multiple roles such as SSP, DSP and DMP at the same time.

For independent developers, if they want to achieve efficient traffic monetization in the Chinese market, they need to fully understand the advantages and characteristics of these advertising companies and platforms, and choose a partner that suits them. At the same time, it is also necessary to continuously learn and master new advertising technologies and delivery strategies to adapt to the changing market environment.

In short, advertising monetization is a complex and challenging process. Only by deeply understanding the operating mechanism and market demand of the advertising industry and constantly optimizing your products and strategies can you stand out in the fierce market competition and maximize advertising revenue.

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