"Independent Development Log" Performance debugging to the point of mental collapse...almost giving up...


An independent developer’s performance tuning journey: crashes and persistence

Opening: Have you ever experienced insurmountable technical difficulties in software development? Independent developer Xiao Chen encountered a battle with performance issues during the development of his RSMART1.2 version. Let us go into his development diary and feel his breakdown and persistence.

After Xiao Chen's RSMART1.2 version was initially completed, he entered the testing phase with great expectations. The new feature has been well received and should have been a moment worth celebrating. However, during the test, Xiao Chen noticed some subtle performance issues, especially in scenarios with large amounts of data processing, where there was an imperceptible delay.

This kind of delay is officially called MICHAELHAN by Apple, that is, there is a hang on the main thread of more than 250ms but less than 500ms. Although this delay time is not long, it is unacceptable to Xiao Chen who pursues the ultimate user experience. He knows that for an excellent app, its response time should be within 100ms.

Faced with this challenge, Xiao Chen did not give up easily. He began to study Swift UI and related optimization techniques in depth, trying to find the key to solving performance problems. In the process, he gradually discovered that his knowledge reserve in swift UI was insufficient, so he invested more time in learning and practicing.

The optimization process was not smooth sailing, and Xiao Chen was once on the verge of collapse. But it was this persistence and love for technology that made him persevere. He gradually mastered more underlying knowledge and gained a deeper understanding of swift ui.

Currently, Xiao Chen is still continuing to work hard to optimize his app. He hopes to bring the user experience of the MVP version to a new level. He knows that the focus is not on the functional coverage, but on how to demonstrate a better user experience on the MVP version.

This battle with performance issues gave Xiao Chen valuable experience. His story tells us that when faced with technical problems, we should not give up easily, but persist in learning and exploring to find solutions to problems. Only in this way can we go further on the road of technology.

Ending twist: Looking back at Xiao Chen's development log, we see the collapse and persistence of an independent developer when faced with performance problems. His experience not only inspires us to move forward bravely on the road of technology, but also makes us understand that only by continuous learning and hard work can we create better products. So, what challenges have you encountered in software development? How to overcome it?

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