16 Chinese Remote Work Platforms|Farewell to 996 and Farewell to Involution


Say goodbye to 996 and embrace remote work! These 16 Chinese platforms are worth a try

In the fast-paced workplace life, have you ever longed to escape the shackles of "996" and find a more free and flexible way of working? Today, we are going to reveal 16 Chinese remote work platforms for you, so that you can easily say goodbye to involution and find your favorite remote work opportunities!

1. What is remote work?

Remote working, as the name suggests, means that employees do not need to work in a traditional office environment. Instead, they stay in touch with their teams through the Internet, telephone and other communication tools to complete work tasks. This working model not only provides employees with greater freedom and flexibility, but also saves companies costs such as office space and equipment.

2. Recommended 16 Chinese remote working platforms

  1. Meet DB : There are many remote work opportunities on this platform in design, product development and other fields, suitable for all types of professionals. It is particularly worth mentioning that Taiwan and Hong Kong have more remote work opportunities.
  2. Glints : Can also filter for remote job positions, providing job seekers with a wealth of options.
  3. Round Collar : There are both full-time remote work opportunities and part-time task-based opportunities, suitable for job seekers with different needs.
  4. Yungong.com : Focus on remote work opportunities in game design, operations and other fields. If you are interested in the game industry, you may wish to come here to take a look.
  5. Dianya Community : Many bloggers have introduced this platform. There are many remote authors sharing their experiences and it also provides many remote work opportunities.
  6. Little Bee : Mainly for remote work opportunities in technology, product and other fields, suitable for job seekers with relevant professional backgrounds.
  7. Si Remote Work : There are remote job opportunities related to operations, technology development, etc., suitable for job seekers with certain experience.
  8. Programmer Inn : Most of the job opportunities on this platform are in the field of technical development. If you are a programmer or related technical personnel, you may wish to come here to look for opportunities.
  9. Cloud Teammate : Provides remote work opportunities in design, copywriting and other fields, with clear classifications to facilitate job seekers' search.
  10. Take This May : There are more remote work opportunities on this platform in Taiwan and Hong Kong. If you are in these two regions, you can focus on it.
  11. UT : Mainly for remote work opportunities in new startups. If you are interested in startups, there may be positions suitable for you here.
  12. KESA : Most of the above are remote work opportunities in Hong Kong. If you are interested in developing in Hong Kong, you can come here to take a look.
  13. Search Remote : Search for the "Remote" keyword on the search engine, and there will be many remote work opportunities for your reference.
  14. Sweet Salary Factory : Provides remote work opportunities in design, technology, development, operations and other fields, suitable for all types of job seekers.
  15. SLAFEERW Lab : Some remote work opportunities will be updated every day. If you want to keep up to date with the latest developments, you can follow this platform.
  16. Other platforms : In addition to the platforms listed above, there are many other Chinese remote working platforms worth trying. You can learn more through social media, industry forums, etc.

3. How to choose a suitable remote working platform?

When choosing a remote work platform, you can consider the following factors:

  • The popularity and credibility of the platform;
  • Are the job opportunities on the platform rich and diverse?
  • Whether the platform provides effective communication tools and support services;
  • Whether the platform pays attention to protecting the rights and privacy of job seekers.

4. Conclusion

Remote working has become a choice for more and more people. By choosing the right remote work platform, you can easily find the job opportunities you want and achieve a work-life balance. I hope the above recommended platforms can bring you help and inspiration! If you have any questions or suggestions, please leave a message in the comment area. Let’s embrace remote work together and enjoy a more free and flexible lifestyle!

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