[Li Ziran said] Publicly record my methods and decisions to create a top AI company


Li Ziran shares: Revealing the secrets of AI application entrepreneurship

In the current turbulent wave of AI, everyone is exploring their own position. Today, we are fortunate to invite Mr. Li Ziran, an entrepreneur who has been deeply involved in the field of AI for many years. He will share with us his methodology for entrepreneurship in AI applications. This is not only a feast of knowledge, but also a spiritual enlightenment.

How to start an AI application business?

Teacher Li Ziran first raised a question: How should AI applications start? He used a vivid metaphor to answer this question - if the development of AI technology is compared to a car that is constantly climbing uphill, then the application layer is like a carriage pulled by the car. Today, when AI capabilities are not yet fully mature, we should not try to make a huge product from the beginning, but should keep up with the pace of small cars and gradually unlock the possibilities of AI applications.

Take small steps and run quickly to seize the opportunity

Teacher Li emphasized that the current development of AI applications is still in its infancy, and many great products will not be born now. However, this also provides us with countless opportunities. As AI technology continues to advance, new market gaps will continue to emerge. As long as we can quickly occupy these markets, the competitive pressure we face will be far less than the competition in the Red Ocean market.

How do independent developers break through?

Next, Teacher Li talked about the positioning of independent developers in the AI ​​wave. He believes that independent developers have a unique advantage-efficiency. They can quickly transform ideas into products, which is unmatched by team operations. However, independent developers also face problems such as lack of experience and single skills.

Accumulate experience and improve skills

In order to break through, independent developers need to continuously accumulate experience and improve their skills. Teacher Li suggested that independent developers can start by making small products and gradually accumulate experience in marketing, product development and other aspects. At the same time, they also need to learn to use external resources, such as cooperating with other developers, seeking investment, etc., to make up for their own shortcomings.

How to participate in the AI ​​wave?

For those who have the ability or funds but are not inside the AI ​​industry, how can they participate in the AI ​​wave? Teacher Li gave the following suggestions:

Strengthen communication and seek cooperation

First of all, it is necessary to strengthen communication with insiders in the AI ​​industry to understand industry dynamics and development trends. By meeting with experts in the industry and exchanging ideas, you can find more opportunities for cooperation. Secondly, we must learn to use external resources, such as investment, partners, etc., to accelerate our development. Finally, keep an open mind and be brave enough to try new technologies and business models.

Conclusion: Use battle as training to create a better future together

At the end of his sharing, Mr. Li reviewed his entrepreneurial journey and experiences. He emphasized that entrepreneurship is a process of continuous learning and accumulation. Only through continuous practice, summary and reflection can we continuously improve our abilities and competitiveness. At the same time, he also called on developers to maintain an open mind and a spirit of courage to try, and jointly promote the development and innovation of AI applications.

Li Ziran’s sharing reveals a clear path for AI application entrepreneurship. In the days to come, let us work together to create a better future together!

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