If you don’t have any useful software, make one yourself.


From dissatisfaction to innovation: How one SAS software disrupted the market and earned a multi-billion dollar valuation

Have you ever felt inconvenient when using certain software, or even thought, "It would be great if there was a better tool"? If you feel this way, then you may have had a similar experience with Linear’s founding team. Surprisingly, they not only came up with such an idea, but also put it into practice, and finally created a disruptive SAS software.

Linear, a SAS tool for managing software projects and tracking software bugs, raised more than 50 million in just a few years and is now valued in the hundreds of millions. What's even more admirable is that it has achieved profitability, and its customer list includes many well-known companies, such as rtue remote.

The story began four years ago when three members of the founding team were dissatisfied with the experience of using existing software at work. They found that the tools on the market could not meet their needs to manage software projects and track bugs efficiently and intuitively. So these three like-minded partners decided to take matters into their own hands and create a tool that better suited their work needs.

This decision not only changed their own workflow, but also inadvertently created a new market opportunity. Linear’s success proves that sometimes the best innovations are hidden in the pain points of our daily work.

So, what makes Linear so successful?

First, it solves a real problem. Based on their own needs, the founding team designed a tool that can efficiently track and manage software projects. This user-centered design concept allows Linear to directly address users' pain points and provide an excellent user experience.

Secondly, Linear’s simplicity and ease of use is also one of the reasons for its popularity. In a complex software market, an intuitive and easy-to-use tool can often quickly capture the hearts of users. Linear has won the favor of users with its simple interface and powerful functions.

Finally, I have to mention Linear’s business model. It achieved profitability in just a few years and received tens of millions in financing, which is enough to prove the success of its business model. Linear not only provides high-quality products, but also continuously meets user needs through reasonable pricing strategies and continuous product iteration, thereby achieving commercial success.

Linear’s story tells us that innovation is not out of reach. Sometimes, it’s hidden in the inconveniences and pain points in our daily work. As long as we dare to challenge the status quo and try new solutions, it is possible to create the next disruptive product.

Therefore, when you encounter software or tools that you are not comfortable with at work, you might as well try to think and innovate. Maybe the next Linear will be born in your hands.

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