Independent Development Monetization Weekly (Issue 130): Build an online timer that earns $8,000 a month


From studio timer to $8,000 a month: Stage Timer’s entrepreneurial story

Have you ever wondered how a simple online timer can bring in $8,000 per month? Today, we will delve into the entrepreneurial journey of Stage Timer, a project co-founded by LZ and her husband LUCASHERMAN.

A small idea, big benefits

Stage Timer is not only an online countdown timer, it allows users to share it with others through a link or QR code and control the time of a meeting or lecture. The idea was born from an experience in the recording studio. When LUCAS saw a friend recording, he realized the need for a timer that could be controlled remotely. So he decided to use his skills and write a beta version of the timer over the weekend.

From side hustle to full-time entrepreneurship

After six months of iteration, LUCAS launched the paid version of Stage Timer in June 2022. Surprisingly, even though he was not a marketer, he quickly got his first paying customer. As the business grew, LZ saw an opportunity and decided to leave her full-time job to devote herself full time to Stage Timer's marketing and business growth.

Simple product design

Stage Timer's design is simple and intuitive, allowing users to easily create a timer and share it with others. This is a huge improvement for event producers as it eliminates the need for long cables and complicated setups. This was further proven by an email from a customer who expressed his love for the tool and listed nearly ten feature requests.

Word-of-mouth and search growth

Since November 2011, Stage Timer has grown primarily through search and word-of-mouth. They focus on creating content that ranks well on Google and supplementing organic rankings with ads. Additionally, their users truly love the tool and are happy to recommend it to others.

Learn from user feedback

LZ and LUCAS learned a lot of valuable experience from user feedback. They found that feedback from free users could be deceptive, while feedback from actual customers was more valuable. Additionally, they learned to be very careful when adding new features and make sure they truly fit the user's needs.

Advice for entrepreneurs

LZ emphasized that entrepreneurial projects based on actual needs are more attractive and scalable. She advises entrepreneurs to first observe things around them, look for areas that can be improved, and come up with solutions. Additionally, she encourages entrepreneurs to start a side project to validate their product or service before quitting their full-time job.

In short, Stage Timer’s entrepreneurial story shows how starting from a small idea, through continuous iteration and learning, can eventually achieve considerable income. This story not only inspires more entrepreneurs to bravely pursue their dreams, but also provides valuable experience and lessons for us to learn from.

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