Traveling around the world without relying on pensions has given us a new imagination of retirement life!


Traveling around the world without relying on pensions gives a new definition to retirement life!

Have you ever thought about how you will spend those long years when the retirement bell rings? Staying at home or looking for a new passion in life? Today, let us follow in the footsteps of KEVIN and Rose and explore together the new imagination that traveling around the world brings to retirement life without relying on pensions!

Travel around the world and discover new possibilities for retirement

KEVIN and Rose, a couple from Canada, chose a unique way to retire at the age of 45 - traveling around the world. They sold their house, replaced it with an RV, and embarked on a journey around the world with their curiosity and love for the unknown world. For more than ten years, they have shared what they saw and heard on their journeys with the world by writing websites, blogs, etc., and used this as their "retirement".

During the trip, they met various retirement care samples, from Chinese-American KEVIN enjoying retirement life in Peru, where the consumption level is lower, to learning new skills and continuing to learn as long as they live. These experiences made them realize that retirement care does not have to be limited to nursing homes, but that they can use the whole world as a playground to continue pursuing the love and passion of life.

Preparing for retirement starts at the age of 30

Inspired by these experiences, Kevin and Rose decided to start preparing for retirement at the age of 30. They know that health is the key to retirement, so no matter where they live, they insist on going out every day to exercise and stay healthy. At the same time, they also purchased commercial insurance to protect their health and ensure that they can enjoy better medical protection in their old age.

In addition to health protection, they also pay great attention to the management of financial status. They ensure that they have sufficient financial support in old age by continuing to make money, reducing unnecessary expenses, saving and investing. At the same time, they are also actively looking for passive income sources, such as rent, intellectual property and self-media videos, to increase their income channels.

Love is the key to improving happiness in old age

According to KEVIN and Rose, love is the key to improving happiness in old age. They encourage everyone to continue to explore their passion in life and develop the habit of lifelong learning without making money as a goal. Whether it’s art, writing, or other hobbies, they can be companions who accompany us through the final stages of life. Not only do these passions bring spiritual enrichment, but they also help us stay connected to society and keep us energetic into old age.

Retirement together with people of the same frequency

In addition to personal preparation, KEVIN and Rose also advocate spending time with people of the same frequency. They believe that instead of growing old alone, it is better to spend their later years with a group of like-minded people. This lifestyle not only allows us to be socially satisfied, but also supports each other and grows together. They are looking for suitable retirement communities and cities, hoping to live with a group of like-minded people and explore the unknown world together.

Say goodbye to the concept of retirement and continue to live the life you love

Finally, KEVIN and Rose hope that we can bid farewell to the concept of retirement and continue to live the life we ​​love. They believe that as long as we maintain our love and pursuit of life, we can have a high-quality elderly life. Whether it’s traveling around the world, exploring the unknown, or living with people of the same frequency, we can all find our own way of caring for the elderly, making elderly life a continuation of our modern lives.

So, what new imagination and plans do you have for your elderly life? Feel free to share your thoughts and experiences in the comment area! Let us prepare for our future elderly life together and pursue our own happiness and satisfaction!

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