Independent Development Monetization Weekly (Issue 122): An online SaaS tool for text generation and video, with an annual income of US$75,000


AI video summary

Independent Development Monetization Weekly Issue 122: Text generates video to easily achieve cross-platform growth of content

Have you ever thought that with just a simple text input, it can be automatically converted into a beautiful video and posted to major social platforms with one click? Today, the online tool I want to introduce realizes this dream, allowing content creators to easily achieve cross-platform growth.

This tool called “Source Repurpose Pie” is specially built for content creators on social platforms such as Twitter. It can convert your tweets or any text content into engaging videos and automatically publish them to video platforms such as TikTok and YouTube. This means that you no longer need to create separate content for each platform. You only need to create it once to achieve multi-channel dissemination.

So, how does this tool achieve this magical function? It first provides a wealth of background templates for users to choose from. Of course, you can also upload your own background templates. Then, use advanced AI voice narration technology to convert the text into lifelike speech. What's even more amazing is that you can also choose from more than 40 voices, including deep male voices, calm female voices, etc., and you can even choose to clone your own voice to make the narration in the video sound like you.

You may be curious, what is the story behind the birth of such a powerful tool? In fact, it was born out of a simple and real need. My co-founder and a good friend, who is a well-known content creator on Twitter, wanted to expand his influence on other platforms, but writing content and producing videos for multiple platforms every day was too time-consuming. So they came up with a simple solution: hire a video editor to turn the tweets into videos. The effect was unexpected, and the friend’s TikTok account attracted a large number of fans within a few weeks. So, we decided to develop a tool to allow more people to easily achieve this transformation.

In the process of building the first version, we learned from previous failures and first made a quick and dirty video generator to test. The frontend is built using React JS by our co-founders and developers, and the backend uses Python for all functionality. While this version wasn't perfect, and even a bit crude, it brought our revenue to a respectable figure in just one week.

Now, this tool has become more and more mature, and we have achieved stable income as a result. But we know this is just the beginning. In the future, we will continue to optimize functions and improve user experience so that more content creators can benefit from it.

If you are also a content creator and are troubled by cross-platform communication, then you might as well try this "Source Repurpose Pie" tool. It may open a new door for you, allowing your content to shine on more platforms. At the same time, please like and support our work. This will be our biggest motivation for continuous updates.

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