Viewing posts from July, 2024

Windows 把全球干瘫痪了

Windows更新引发全球混乱:安全软件反成"蓝屏"元凶? 昨天,一则大新闻震惊了全球:Windows系统似乎在一夜之间“把全世界干瘫痪了”。航空系统停机、银行服务宕机、医疗设备出现蓝屏,这一切的背后,竟然是一家名为Cross Strike的安全软件公司。


房产新观察:城市边缘的居住宝地 你是否注意到,如今的房价似乎陷入了涨不动、租不出的窘境?近日,我在路过山东省会济南时,一些有趣的发现让我对这个现象有了更深的理解。

独立开发变现周刊(第142期):一个 AI 个人穿搭App年收入300万美元

AI穿搭App年收入破300万!揭秘style DNA的成功秘诀 你是否曾为找不到合适的穿搭而烦恼?style DNA,一个创新的AI穿搭应用,不仅解决了这个问题,更在短短时间内实现了惊人的300万美元年收入。那么,这个应用究竟有何魔力,能够吸引如此多的用户并成功变现呢?

独立开发的健身应用,年收入250万 #软件开发 #独立开发 #gymstreak

从赞比亚到全球舞台:独立开发者创造健身应用年收入250万的奇迹 你是否曾想象过,一个来自非洲赞比亚的移民,凭借自学设计和编程,能够开发出一款年收入高达250万的健身应用?今天,我们就来讲述这个令人振奋的故事,探索jm strike背后的成功秘诀。

Discover an invisible unicorn that will help you find software alternatives #unicorn #g2 #alternativeto #softwaredevelopment

Uncover the hidden unicorn: AlternativeTo, your software alternative search tool! Have you ever been confused when looking for an alternative to a particular software? Or get lost in a sea of ​​information while trying to find software that better suits your needs? Don’t worry, today I’m going to reveal a hidden unicorn for you – AlternativeTo.

A young salesman built an event email aggregation website

Revealed: How does a sales guy become famous in one place and earn more than one million a year? Imagine that you need to browse a large number of campaign emails every day in order to keep abreast of your competitors' developments and adjust your marketing strategies. This work is not only tedious, but also time-consuming. So, is there a more efficient way to handle these emails? A young sales guy encountered this problem and found a unique solution.

Talking about happiness in life with a dashing 80-year-old man who travels every month·|Old people living alone can also have a happy retirement|Wise ways to get along with children|How to cultivate children’s independence|Listen to a happy old man talking about filial piety|Encouragement education

A conversation with a dashing 80-year-old man: Exploring happiness and wisdom in life

Digging hard into subdivisions, a website specializing in generating QR codes, with an annual income of 3 million #QRTiger #QRcode #INDEPENDENT DEVELOPMENT #subdivisions

Revealed: How can a QR code website generate an annual income of 3 million? Have you ever thought about the business opportunities that a small QR code can bring? Today, we will reveal the secrets of a website that focuses on QR code generation - QRTiger, and see how it achieves an annual revenue of 3 million.

Have you heard of a mixed office? Let’s talk about how programmers find remote work and its benefits

Remote work: a new option for programmers

Programmers go overseas and follow the needs #program overseas # software overseas #programmer

A new nautical era for programmers: sailing out to sea as needed Today, as the digital wave sweeps the world, programmers are ushering in a new "sailing era." Unlike the great navigators in history who explored unknown waters, modern programmers' "going out to sea" is to follow the guidance of needs and look for opportunities around the world.

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