Jason Fleagle

Jason Fleagle

MRR: $27,599, ARR: $0

Hi, I'm Jason! I am a seasoned Catalyst Growth Leader with experience in software engineering, marketing, advertising, global strategy, content marketing & SEO, & AI development & AI applications.

Throughout my career, I've helped companies across multiple industries achieve tremendous growth, driving revenue growth of over $50+ million. My experience has ranged from working with large brands like The John Maxwell Company and the Better Business Bureau to political think tanks, startups, and many others.

Some notable brands I've worked with are: Flovatar, Growth Shop, John Maxwell Company, Ziglar Inc., Kevin Harrington from Shark Tank, Austin St John, the Original Red Power Ranger, The Basement Doctor, Nash Distribution, Autism Power, the Better Business Bureau (BBB), political think tanks, startups, and many more.

I have a proven track record of being a catalyst – add me to the mix and I'll deliver the results you want.

Personal website can be found at TheJasonFleagle.com.

If you're interested in AI, check out my full AI for sales & marketing course at TheAIMarketingCourse.com

Catalyst Brand Group

Catalyst Brand Group

Growth consulting agency for branding, website & app development, AI software & automation development, & advertising

MRR ARR 30-Day Statut
$ 24,000 - - Active


Non-profit ministry founded by CV Global using NFT & blockchain technology for positive social impact projects + faith-based initiatives around the world

MRR ARR 30-Day Statut
- - - Building
Jason Fleagle Youtube Channel

Jason Fleagle Youtube Channel

Youtube channel discussing & teaching AI, tech, sales, marketing, and advertising information

MRR ARR 30-Day Statut
$ 100 - - Active
The AI Marketing Course

The AI Marketing Course

ChatGPT & AI course, tools, & resources for using AI in sales & marketing

MRR ARR 30-Day Statut
$ 150 - - Active


A blogging platform with contributors all around the world.

MRR ARR 30-Day Statut
$ 300 - - Active
Healthy Living Blog Integrumliving

Healthy Living Blog Integrumliving

Integrum Living is a healthy lifestyle and healthy eating blog that shares information on how people can live a more natural healthier life without toxins or harsh chemicals.

MRR ARR 30-Day Statut
$ 50 - - Active


An Etsy shop that provides digital resources for couple date nights & adventure ideas

MRR ARR 30-Day Statut
- - - Active
Pro Wireless Headphones

Pro Wireless Headphones

No longer active. Shopify dropshipping electronics store importing products from Shenzen.

MRR ARR 30-Day Statut
$ 2,999 - - Discontinued
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